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University of Life Quotes Catalog
a curated list of all the best quotes about life and how to live it!
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“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” -Oscar Wilde
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“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” –Anaïs Nin
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“Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.” -Dorothy Thompson
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“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” –Zig Ziglar
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“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” – Yogi Bhajan
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“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou
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“You can’t fix another person. You can’t fix the past. You can only change your way of reacting to it.” – Lisa Wingate
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“The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself–the invisible battles inside all of us–that’s where it’s at.” – Jesse Owens
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“The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become; the stronger you become, and the happier you become.” -Gisele Bundchen
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“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Gustav Jung
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“The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.” -Tony Robbins
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“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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“Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.” – H. L. Mencken
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“Perhaps the surest cure for discouragement is to do something about your situation with the certainty that action changes everything.” – Shaun Roundy
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“The only thing you have to heal is the present thought. Get that right and the whole picture will change into one of harmony and joy.” – Eckhart Tolle
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“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” – Marianne Williamson
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Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others. – Marianne Williamson
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“People on the road to inner light do not find their vocations by asking, what do I want from life? They ask, what is life asking of me? How can I match my intrinsic talent with one of the world’s deep needs?” – David Brooks
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“A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of pain.” – Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken
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“Gratitude of the mind is polite. Gratitude of the heart generates transformative power.” – Shaun Roundy
Great Quotes
“There is no substitute under the heavens for productive labor. It is the process by which dreams become realities. It is the process by which idle visions become dynamic achievements. It is work that spells the difference in life. It is stretching our minds and utilizing the skills of our hands that lift us from mediocrity.” – Gordon B. Hinckley
Great Quotes
“Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is just like an old time rail journey … delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.” ― Jenkin Lloyd Jones
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“If we don’t model what we teach, we are teaching something else.” – Abraham Maslow
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“Having the courage to write something imperfect is what makes a great story.” – Paul Larsen
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“Study the unusually successful people you know, and you will find them imbued with enthusiasm for their work which is contagious. Not only are they themselves excited about what they are doing, but they also get you excited.” – Paul W. Ivey
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“Civilization is a race between education and catastrophe.” – HG Wells
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“You won’t understand until you understand. Until then, keep your mind open to new possibilities.” – Shaun Roundy
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“No person who is enthusiastic about his or her work has anything to fear from life. All the opportunities in the world are waiting to be grasped by people who are in love with what they’re doing.” – Sam Goldwyn
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“If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind.” – Norman Vincent Peale
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“If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be enthusiasm.” – Bruce Barton
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“Greet the dawn with enthusiasm and you may expect satisfaction at sunset.” – Unknown
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“Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.” – Dale Carnegie
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“Fires can’t be made with dead embers, nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless people. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks.” – Stanley Baldwin
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“Enthusiasm reaches out with joy, for there is nothing depressing about it; it reaches out in faith, for there is no fear in it; it reaches out with acceptance, for there is no doubt in it; it reaches out as a child for there is no uncertainty about it.” – Ernest Holmes
Great Quotes
“Enthusiasm means everything. Not just a little. Everything. If you are involved in some kind of project right now, or launching any personal endeavor, your enthusiasm (or lack of it) will directly determine how successful this undertaking will be. If you are not excited at the core of your being by it, drop it right now. If you are excited at the core of your being, demonstrate that in everything you think and say and do.” – Neale Donald Walsch
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“Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. . . . Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your objective.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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“Enthusiasm is one of life’s greatest qualities, but it must be practiced to become a dominant factor in one’s life. There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.” – Norman Vincent Peale
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“Enthusiasm is more than simple excitement. It also involves affection for the object that arouses it. The enthusiastic person loves the thing he or she feels excited about, great or small, important or unimportant, a marriage partner or an ice-cream cone. When one feels enthusiasm, one gives out love.” – Arthur Gordon
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“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.” – Charles Kingsley
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“Be enthusiastic till it thrills you. Display it, radiate it, till it infects all those around you.” – Homi Kharas
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